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Residential Building extension / House extension

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Form with important information about your request that will help us provide you with a detailed and accurate quote.

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Example: building back extension/Add one floor above garage, Extend building area - left side/right side elevation. Specify if there are renovation works in the existing building. Enlargement of windows and doors, addition of a floor, or adding bedrooms, creation of a new staircase, compliance of a dwelling in the basement, creation of an open space, removal of load-bearing walls, etc. ... Study: Compliance with the fire code involves four requirements: fire containment, means of escape, fire detection and alarms, and electrical safety.

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Example: before the space had a use of offices is you want to transform them into a restaurant or something else.

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Certificate of location or cadastral plan (This document is very important for understanding and for the preliminary study of the file (the feasibility of the project). A photo taken by your phone of the last page of the document (the layout plan of the building) is sufficient for this request.

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